We do our best to send items as soon as possible. Please take into account a production time of 1-3 days before your order is sent. The average shipping time is 5-11 days. The tracking numbers are updated 2-5 days after sending your order. If you have not yet received a tracking number after 7 days, please send an email to support@velesemode.com
We offer a 100% money back guarantee if the product is defective or damaged. You have 14 days to return the product to us to get a complete refund. You have to return the product at your own expense. As soon as we have received the product, we will reimburse the full amount of your original purchase. Please enter your name and order number on the returned packages. Note: When your package is on the road, you have to wait for it to arrive and return before you get your money back.
Unfortunately, a cancellation is not possible because we start shipping immediately after your order. Fortunately, you can use our simple return system to get a complete refund when the package has arrived.
If you have missed an incorrect address or filled out automatically, you can simply respond to the order confirmation email and confirm this. As soon as you have found that the address given is wrong, you can notify us by email at support@velesemode.com If the given address is wrong, we can change the address to the right address within 24 hours. No money is returned after the 24 hours for specifying the wrong address.
The shipping times vary because we send from various settlement centers worldwide, depending on your location. The average shipping time is 5-11 days.
We are here to help you make your home beautiful! Send us an email to Kundendienst@kruger-mode.de and we will be happy to help you in every conceivable way. We receive a large number of emails. If you want a quick answer, please add your order number and clearly state what the problem is.